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2023 Claim Operation Simulation Exercises

2023 Claim Operation Simulation Exercises

Event LocationHualien City 
Event Time

 1. TREIF holds a claim simulation drill every year. This aims at helping insurers to familiarize with the insurance claim procedures of TREIF, so that their own personnel could be swiftly dispatched during a disaster and appropriately settle the claims to the stranded ones in an efficient way. This could bring the society peace of mind and enchance resilience after a disaster, and bring a positive image to insurers as an enterprise that is responsible toward the society.

The joint claim service center The joint claim service center

2. TREIF and the insurers conducted the simulation exercise in four phases from August 9 to September 28, 2023:

   (1) Drills for information gathering on the disaster and emergency response as well as related on-line meeting rehearsals;

   (2) Drills in response of unscheduled dispatchment notices, and On-site check-in of dispatched personnel;

   (3) Drills for claim service center;

   (4) Simulation of qualified adjusters conducting claim evaluations by using 3D simulation program.

3. The award ceremony and debriefing was held on November 2, 2023, and a report was presented to participants, with content mainly as follows:

   (1) Each insurer has an emergency response plan related to earthquake disasters. However, some insurers’ emergency response practice and internal meetings were not presided over by senior executives, and there was no cross-unit coordination.

   (2) Enhance qualified adjusters’ evaluation capability.

   (3) Some insurers were unfamiliar with the preparation work dividing for the insurers claim service centers and the claim service groups of the joint claim service center;

4. Mr. Shìh-Chang Wang, the professional architect made the presentation of “The On-site Damage Evaluation and Loss Assessment”.

2023 response of unscheduled dispatchment notices, and On-site check-in of dispatched personnel

Response of unscheduled dispatchment notices, and On-site check-in of dispatched personnel were carried out in the Northern and Southern parts of Taiwain on weekdays and in the Central Taiwain on holidays, and in the Eastern Taiwain in conjunction with simulation drills. The loss adjusters contact persons in each insurers all completed dispath process within the time limit, and dispatched personnel completed on-site check-in.