As of the end of 2024, TREIF's cumulative special reserve was NT$42.467billion, net unearnedpremium reserve was NT$1.899billion, reserve adjustment was NT$1.09billion, and credit riskreserve was NT$649million. Total reserves reached NT$46.105billion, up by6.23% in comparisonwith NT$43.403billion in 2023. At the end of each year, the entire balance of the total amountof pure premium received by the TREIF after deduction of premium allocated to the coinsurancepool, premiums ceded to the domestic and overseas reinsurance and capital markets, and netretained indemnities, as well as the entire balance of the management fee income after minusthe costs and expenses, shall be set aside as a special reserve. The goal is to quickly buildup the special reserve and have sufficient funds for claims payouts in the event of anearthquake. The loading for residential earthquake insurance is 15% of the insurancepremiums, of which 1.5% is allocated to the TREIF as a reserve adjustment for risk spread onreinsurance or capital market. Meanwhile, 1% is allocated to the TREIF for credit riskreserve to cover losses from breach of contract by policy issuers, coinsurance pool members,reinsurers and reinsurance brokers.