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序號 檔案名稱 雜湊值驗證碼
1 住宅地震保險再保險作業規範草案-970111.pdf 102ACAAFAE26C3353690A96A4FA877E4FC4FE95985B57967BA84C407E5FA925F
2 住宅地震保險再保險作業規範_2009.2.24核准.pdf 9BCE1478A30CE67872AC85AB2484763F5854B27C685376D816385C0AA141B3F6
3 住宅地震保險再保險作業規範草案-960704.pdf 28253274A0A06CE7E6E8C5C3F5B25524DB51F1D2250CEA3326729ABCA3CAD309
4 住宅地震保險再保險作業規範草案-951030.pdf AE7B72295EF5D876F5B5CDF1900471F5779A3B7B9AEC6DE7B82CBE2E80BAB9B1